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What's the deal with spring?
Cleaning the cobwebs under your bed,
Or tests coming up and buying number two lead.
Personally, I prefer the wintery cold and going outside to sled;
Instead of allergies making me feel dead.

What's the deal with spring?
Why can't we just jump to summer?
The rain and clouds are a total bummer.
Wouldn't you rather have a day by the ocean turning a tan color?

What's the deal with spring?
You get pranked by a little green fool
Who fills your shoes with drool
Just because you used some tools
To make a trap to catch him. How cruel!

What's the deal with spring?
A large and scary bunny
Coming into your house probably looking for money.
And going on a hunt with outcomes mostly yummy,
Unfortunately, I get an egg that's icky and crummy
What's the deal with spring?

Kayla Fibbi, Grade 7

Fort Couch Middle School, PA
