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Christmas Cheers

A cross the snowy fields kids are building snowmen
B y the fire we sit with hot cocoa
C hristmas trees crowding the field
D ecking the halls with big bells and lights
E veryone with us makes it nice
F ine glowing Christmas lights on the tree
G reen and red Christmas lights shouting from the rooftop
H iding presents under the tree
I gloos for snowmen home
J erking and jiving on my sled
K ind Santa comes down the chimney tonight
L ying in bed dreaming of sugar plums
M aking my Mom a card
N ight falls, Santa comes near
O h! Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa is here
P opping with presents under the Christmas trees
Q uick and quiet down the Chimney
R iding on his Christmas sleigh, Santa
S anta will come down the chimney
T o everyone a happy Christmas and a good night

Cole Eiserman, Grade 4

Copeland Manor Elementary School, IL
