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Disney World

“If you can dream it you can do it,” As the famous Walt Disney said. My first time going to Disney World was a blast! We went on lots of roller coasters, but my favorite rides were Space Mountain and Splash Mountain. When we were in the parks I loved to hear people laugh, and scream. I also loved the smell of the amazing popcorn. When I saw the characters I needed to get a picture and an autograph. The food at Disney World was super good! My favorite restaurant is Sci-Fi Diner. After, we were done with the fun at the parks, we all loved going to the pool, and when we were at the pool we always did cannonballs so people would leave, and we would have the whole pool to ourselves! We also loved to play games. My favorite game to play in the pool is called categories, but Disney related. My favorite memory there was the parade, fireworks, and having a great and exciting time with my family and friends! Disney World was an amazing time and I’ll definitely go back even if I have to beg my parents like a dog begging for treats, but Disney World is my treat!

Ella Felinczak, Grade 4

Copeland Manor Elementary School, IL
