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Christmas Joy

A rtificial trees getting cut down at the Christmas tree farm.
B ells ring from the blustery winds during a soaking wet day.
C andy canes red and white ones you eat and others are lights.
D ecember 25th Santa has come fast, you open your presents which is lots of fun!
E lves come to watch you to give reports on if you are naughty or nice.
F ireplaces ready to get your family warm while the kids might be watching Frosty the Snowman on TV.
G ingerbread houses and gingerbread cookies are fun to make, you might even make a mistake.
H ot chocolate is nice and warm after getting inside from playing in the snow.
I cicles dripping as kids use them as swords or lick them for water.
J ack Frost biting at your nose hoping you don't get frostbite.
K ris Kringle comes down your chimney and fills your stocking and under the Christmas tree with toys.
L ights on houses showing Christmas joy.
M erry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
N aughty or nice, Santa might give you presents or coal.
O rnaments hanging from the tree jingling from people walking by.
P ine trees leave your house, “boo-hoo Christmas is over” you say.

Parker Johnson, Grade 4

Copeland Manor Elementary School, IL
