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Last and Best Trip Ever

"The best way to observe a manta ray is to become a manta ray” - Jacques Yves Cousteau. Last Summer my family and my Nanny and Poppy went to O'Hare airport to fly to the Galapagos Islands. First, we went to this nice club to eat and have some beverages. Then we flew to Miami there was also a club there. Then we flew to South America. On the plane we got to watch Daddy's Home. When we got to Quito we stayed in a hotel. The next day our cousins came. Then we took a bus to this airport in Ecuador and flew to one of the islands. We took a zodiac to the cruise ship called Santa Cruz II. The crew introduced themselves and later that night we got our rooms and ate dinner and went to bed. Before dinner in the afternoon we went on a departure and went to a white sandy squishy beach. The next day we went to this cave for snorkeling. We saw a beautiful rainbow fish, turtle, and a white tip reef shark which are harmless. The next day we went snorkeling again, but it was scary because there was a manta ray the size of a room that was not stopping and I swam away from it because I thought it was going to eat me! That was the first and probably the last time I will go to the Galapagos Islands. My favorite part was to see all of the creatures protected.

Parker Johnson, Grade 4

Copeland Manor Elementary School, IL
