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A ngels flying over head
B lustery winds blowing
C andy canes sitting in stockings
D ecorating the trees
E vergreen trees with white sparkling snow
F ireplaces burning with hot flames
G ingerbread men baking in the oven
H ot chocolate with white marshmallows
I cicles hanging from the snow white trees
J ingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way
K ings bring presents to the baby
L ights shining on every house
M yrrh, gold, and frankincense
N ippy winds at your ears
O rnaments hang on trees
P resents are under the tree thinking who will be opened first
Q uince pie in the oven
R eindeer at the north pole, and a blanket of
S now on the ground
T rees covered with white sparkling snow
U nwrapping presents on Christmas Day

Ryan Andrews, Grade 4

Copeland Manor Elementary School, IL
