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A Special Dog

The day that was special and amazing to me was when I got my new puppy! It was Christmas Eve morning right before noon. The day before we were looking for a new girl puppy. My family was looking for a black lab and, all that we found was a chocolate lab. We played with the chocolate lab and I loved her. Before my Dad started to leave that morning I asked him where are you going. He said I am going to the grocery store. I said okay. After that I just started playing. Then two hours later I thought to myself why would it take this long to shop for groceries. Before I knew it the doorbell rang. I looked outside and there was a box. It was a dog. It was the dog we played with at the pet store! This is my dog. When I held her I knew we were going to have lots of fun together. My dog is important to me.

Tyler Sherman, Grade 4

Copeland Manor Elementary School, IL
