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Amazing Gymnastics

“Jump off the beam, flip off the bars follow your dreams, and reach for the stars” - Nadia Comaneci. The first time I saw a backhand spring and, fronthand I thought I would never be able to do both of them. But look now, only nine years old and I can do both of them! You should never doubt anything, because if you believe you can do it you will be able to do it!!! Even though I doubted what I can do, you should learn from my mistakes and more that come! Even though I still can't do some things, I'll still try to accomplish things! Gymnastics is amazing never give up on your dreams! That is why I'm learning how to do a pullover back hip circle on the bars. Even though this is hard to do, I will not give up trying to do this trick. Just to let you know, gymnastics is amazing!

Yizel Aranda, Grade 4

Copeland Manor Elementary School, IL
